When we first started this journey, we were on a mission to help V.E.T.S. and make an impact in the hunger and homelessness problem facing America. The more we researched, the more we saw other areas of need and awesome charities that deserved attention too! Our Programs are designed to harness the power of design and clever marketing campaigns to raise awareness and funds for a range of causes.
Get Your Custom Program Designed for FREE!
When we design a unique catch phrase or logo, connective content is key. We will create custom connective content, tailored to a vast customer base, and your style of business that will leave the marketplace wanting more.
Our Creative Process
a Program
Our creative programming starts with a partnership between Choose Charities, a non-profit, and a brand like YOURS. Choose Charities develops world class, unique and catchy brand marketing programs for each of our partners that are tailored to generate:​
· Customer Interest and Participation
· Initiation or Expansion of Corporate Philanthropy
· Advertising Reach and Engagement
· Financial Benefit for all Parties
If you're ready to grow your brand by making the world a better place, then click below to create your unique corporate philanthropy program today!